SCCF staff and volunteers work with government and private partners to monitor bald eagles during nesting season from Oct. 15 to May 15. Data are submitted to Audubon Florida’s EagleWatch Program.
About Bald Eagles
Florida Population
Florida has one of the highest concentrations of nesting bald eagles in the U.S. Most pairs build nests in tall pine or cypress trees, or on manmade structures near lake, river, or coastal systems.
Bald eagles are extremely territorial when nesting, especially during courtship and nest building activities. Even slight human disturbance can cause them to abandon the site, which is why federal guidelines recommend staying at least 330 feet from active nests.
Bald eagles typically lay 1 or 2 eggs, which incubate for about 35 days. Eaglets grow faster than any other bird in America, growing from about 4 ounces at hatching up to 12 pounds in just three months.