Recommendations on establishing a research strategy in the Gulf of Mexico to assess the effects of hurricanes on coastal ecosystems
Scientists along the Gulf of Mexico and southeastern United States inevitably are asked to investigate the environmental effects of such extreme natural events as hurricanes. Since the usual post-event sampling…
Read MoreSpotted seatrout (Family Sciaenidae) growth as an indicator of estuarine conditions in San Carlos Bay, Florida
Life history characters of the spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) have tremendous potential to discern trends in environmental conditions within and among estuaries. The species is widely distributed (i.e., from North…
Read MoreA perspective of artificial reef research: the past, present, and future
In a relatively short time, artificial reef researchers have established a rich and valuable archive of information from which to build future research programs. The personal interactions and dialog essential…
Read MoreSeagrass species composition and distribution trends in relation to salinity fluctuations in Charlotte Harbor
Seagrass species composition and distribution reflect environmental changes, making these measures potentially useful estuarine indicators. An annual seagrass transect and quadrat monitoring survey program including 50 locations in Charlotte Harbor,…
Read MoreReproduction and recruitment of Rhizophora mangle (Red Mangroves) in Charlotte Harbor following hurricane Charley
Reproductive aspects of life history are known to be important in recovery following disturbance in many plant species although this has not been well studied in mangroves. Hurricane Charley devastated…
Read MoreImpact and response of southwest Florida mangroves to the 2004 hurricane season
Although hurricane disturbance is a natural occurrence in mangrove forests, the effect of widespread human alterations on the resiliency of estuarine habitats is unknown. The resiliency of mangrove forests in…
Read MoreThe role of saltwort (Batis maritima) on mangrove forest succession
While saltwort (Batis maritima L.) is common in the fringe mangrove forests of southwest Florida, its role in regeneration of degraded mangrove communities is not known. Given the potential encroachment and…
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