Published Research

underwater research sccf marine lab

Recommendations on establishing a research strategy in the Gulf of Mexico to assess the effects of hurricanes on coastal ecosystems

Bortone, S.A.

Published In 2006

Estuaries and Coasts 29:1062ā€“1066

Scientists along the Gulf of Mexico and southeastern United States inevitably are asked to investigate the environmental effects of such extreme natural events as hurricanes. Since the usual post-event sampling strategy is often based upon the application of a pre-event study design that was not originally intended to evaluate disturbance effects, a hurricane evaluation strategy is needed that establishes sampling coverage through a broad network. Coupling this evaluation strategy with the refinement of serval estuarine indicators to assess environmental change will facilitate the evaluation of hurricane effects. Establishing the sampling network and concomitant protocols requires cooperation among scientists and agencies. Fortunately, the number and location of existing laboratories and investigations into establishing estuarine indicators is at hand. Developing a sampling network and protocols will better enable scientists to evaluate the effects of short-term, focused, and intense environmental disruptions.