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Meet the Natives: Seacoast Marshelder
This week we are highlighting another salt-tolerant plant: The seacoast marshelder (Iva imbricata).
This evergreen plant is found throughout most of coastal Florida, and is a member of the Asteraceae, or aster, family.
“It grows primarily in dune habitats, making it both salt-tolerant and drought-tolerant once established,” said SCCF Native Landscapes & Garden Center Assistant Sophie Carpenter.
Seacoast marshelder prefers full sun and sandy well-draining soils. This is a quick growing plant and can grow to about 2 to 4 feet high and about 6 feet wide. The leaves are succulent, and the flowers are small and inconspicuous.
“Seacoast marshelder has multiple adaptations to help it survive in its specialized dune habitat,” Carpenter said. “This unique plant has the ability to produce roots from its stems when sand accumulates over exposed areas of the plant, allowing it to spread and anchor into the sand. This adaptation makes seacoast marshelder great for dune stabilization and restoration.”
The leaves are also succulent and light in color, which help the plant retain moisture and reflect light.
Seacoast marshelder is an excellent addition to wildlife gardens. It provides cover for wildlife species, and its seeds provide food for birds and other small animals.
Learn more or purchase seacoast marshelder at SCCF’s Native Landscapes & Garden Center, open Tuesday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 1300 Periwinkle Way.
For more information:
University of Florida IFAS Extension
Florida Native Plant Society