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SCCF Submits Comments to Protect Manatees & Water Quality

November 25, 2024
florida manatee

This week, SCCF submitted comments to protect wildlife habitat and water quality around Southwest Florida. 

Critical Habitat for Florida and Antillean Manatees

The first comments were submitted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife service in support of critical habitat designations for the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) and Antillean manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus). Under the Endangered Species Act, habitat that is necessary to support the recovery of a listed species will be protected, as well as the species itself.

The USFWS proposes expanding current critical habitat to better support the recovery of the Florida manatee and to designate critical habitat for the Antillean manatee.

“SCCF is in support of this expansion, as it would provide further protections to manatees from Venice to Estero Bay,” said Environmental Policy Director Matt DePaolis.

Proposed Aquaculture Discharges Threaten Water Quality

Additionally, SCCF submitted comments opposing a National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for the proposed Ocean Era fish farm. The proposed aquaculture facility would consist of floating pens of red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) situated off the coast of Sarasota. 

“This area is known to be an ‘initiation zone’ for red tide, and SCCF opposes creating a large source of nutrients that could help feed a potential algae bloom,” DePaolis said. 

SCCF’s opposition was submitted to the EPA, which administers the NPDES program.  

“These two public comment opportunities highlight the constant pressures our water quality is facing,” DePaolis said. “Even as we try to fix our ecosystems from the damage they are currently facing, we must remain vigilant for future degradation.”


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