Stay in the know about wildlife, water quality, and ecosystems on Sanibel and Captiva Islands and in Southwest Florida
Florida Bald Eagle Nesting Season Begins
In Florida, Oct. 1 marks the official start of bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) nesting season, though the birds typically return to their nesting territories in late August or early September. The season lasts through May 15.
SCCF staff and their dedicated team of volunteers work together to monitor 10 nesting bald eagle pairs on North Captiva, Captiva, Sanibel, and just-off island. SCCF coordinates with Audubon Florida’s EagleWatch program for data collection and entry.
“The eagles of Sanibel and Captiva had all returned to their nests prior to the arrival of Hurricane Helene on Sept. 26,” said SCCF Shorebird Biologist Audrey Albrecht.
The shorebird team completed a post-Helene check on Oct. 1, and all the eagle nests were accounted for. Some eagle pairs were already seen tending to their nests.
“Since Hurricane Ian in 2022, bald eagles on the islands have had great nesting success, fledging 9 eaglets in 2023, and 13 in 2024,” Albrecht said. “We’re hoping for another successful season in 2025.”
Bald Eagles and Construction Activity
During this time of year, many questions come up about what kind of work can occur near active eagle nests. While bald eagles are no longer a listed endangered species, they are still protected by both state and federal eagle laws, including the Florida eagle rule, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act.
Any disturbance to bald eagles should not take place within 660 feet of an active nest without a federal nest disturbance permit and the required monitors in place.
Homeowners and contractors can determine if their property is within the 660-foot buffer of an active bald eagle nest by viewing Audubon’s EagleWatch map with buffers.
Learn about obtaining permits for work around bald eagle nests.
If you have any questions regarding eagles or want to share your eagle observations or photos, please email