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Intentional Balloon Releases Now Illegal in Florida

On June 24, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed HB 321, Release of Balloons, into law. The law prohibits the intentional outdoor release of balloons, and any action will now result in a noncriminal littering infraction.
Balloon releases, typically used to signify a celebration, can quickly turn into an environmental issue. In Florida, the balloons can easily end up in the ocean or on or shores where they become plastic pollution and can cause severe impacts to wildlife, including sea turtles and shorebirds, that mistakenly ingest them.
“Even if they avoid harming wildlife, balloons break apart forming microplastics that will continue to impact our communities for hundreds of years,” said SCCF Environmental Policy Director Matt DePaolis. “The passage of this law will prevent unnecessary plastic pollution from harming our ecosystems.”