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SCCF Turns 56
SCCF’s newly remodeled headquarters building, which transitioned from a Nature Center to offices for staff, including a state-of-the-art coastal wildlife lab.
Oct. 31 marks the 56th anniversary of the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation’s incorporation in 1967.
SCCF was originally incorporated to help preserve Sanibel’s interior freshwater wetlands. That mission has since grown to encompass protecting and caring for all of Southwest Florida’s coastal ecosystems, and SCCF now manages over 2,100 acres in the region.
SCCF spawned from members of the J. N. ‘‘Ding’’ Darling Memorial Committee, which helped other local and national groups pave the way to establish the J. N. ‘‘Ding’’ Darling National Wildlife Refuge. Between the “Ding” Darling refuge and SCCF, approximately 70% of Sanibel Island is now in preservation.