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Sanibel Police Assist SCCF in Sea Turtle Strandings
SCCF sea turtle staff jumped to action this week to respond to two sea turtle strandings in partnership with the Sanibel Police Department. Both turtles were reported to the SCCF Sea Turtle Hotline (978-728-3663) by concerned beachgoers.
The strandings required swimming to retrieve the turtles to help get them from the water to the beach. The Sanibel Police Department graciously assisted using their boat and equipment in both cases. A special thanks to Marine Officer Ryan Murphy, who was on site for both cases.
“It’s not every day we have to jump into the water to swim after a turtle, and we were grateful that the Sanibel Police Department made it possible for us to respond to both of these strandings,” said SCCF Sea Turtle Intern Amanda Manrique. “Though it’s sad to see deceased turtles, documenting strandings helps us collect important information when looking at overall trends in sea turtle mortality.”