Stay in the know about wildlife, water quality, and ecosystems on Sanibel and Captiva Islands and in Southwest Florida
Prevent Sea Turtle Light Disorientation

Please remember to turn off or shield all lights visible from the beach after 9 p.m., as light disorientation has contributed to several hatchling mortalities on Sanibel this summer.
Hatchlings naturally detect the moonlit horizon to find their way to the water, and artificial lights can cause them to head the wrong direction and die from dehydration, heat exhaustion, or encounters with predators, humans, and cars.
Even interior lights can cause hatchling disorientation, so please close curtains and blinds at night. Also refrain from using flashlights or cell phone lights while on the beach in the dark.
What is wildlife-friendly lighting?
FWC sea turtle disorientation page
After 9, it’s turtle time campaign
Call the SCCF Sea Turtle Hotline at 978-728-3663 to report stranded turtles or issues related to nests, lighting, beach furniture, or holes on the beach. Lighting violations can also be reported to the Sanibel Police Department at 239-472-3111, Sanibel Code Enforcement 239-472-4136, or Sanibel Natural Resources at 239-472-3700.