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SCCF Supports Resiliency Principles
In response to Lee County’s proposed Land Development Code changes (amendments affecting Captiva that claim to improve resiliency), the Captiva Community Panel drafted a set of seven principles it believes would actually enhance the resilience of the island.
These principles were discussed and approved at a special meeting of the Panel on July 5. The Panel coordinates and oversees community planning by proposing to the County applicable goals, objectives, policies, and land development regulations to safeguard the unique nature of Captiva.
“SCCF supports these principles and will continue to work with all stakeholders to protect the resilience of our islands and our coastal ecosystems,” said SCCF Environmental Policy Director Matt DePaolis.
Principles for Maintaining and Increasing Resiliency on Captiva
- We oppose changing the existing height restrictions on Captiva which already incorporate increasing base flood elevations. We would consider offering property owners on Captiva the option to add up to four feet to their lawful base flood elevation. The current 28 feet height allowance for habitable space would then be measured from the higher base flood elevation.
- We oppose changing the maximum permitted density for hotels and motels on Captiva which may not exceed 3 units per gross acre.
- We oppose any special exceptions to the existing height restrictions and density limitations on Captiva and oppose exempting South Seas Island Resort from the height and density regulations applicable to Captiva when it seeks to redevelop its property.
- We support the elimination of any ambiguity in the county’s build-back policy to ensure that structures whose damage exceeds 50% of their value can be rebuilt to what existed at the time of the damage with the same use, density, intensity, and size – including the originally permitted height which will be measured from the federal base flood elevations in force at the time permits are sought for rebuilding.
- We request the county correct the outdated height limitations in Section 34 of the Land Development Code to reflect the Captiva-specific height limitations in Chapter 33 which incorporate base flood elevations.
- We support efforts by parties governed by Administrative Interpretation ADD2002-00098 on South Seas Island Resort to bring its existing master development plan into compliance with the Land Development Code provisions applicable to Captiva to reflect the more resilient height restrictions on Captiva which incorporate base flood elevations.
- We support other revisions to the Land Development Code that can be shown to improve resiliency, enhance disaster recovery, and protect our fragile barrier island’s environment – and which do not conflict with the principles stated above.
The next meeting of the Captiva Community Panel will be held on Tuesday, July 11, beginning at 9 a.m. via Zoom.
Agenda items include:
- An update on the proposed changes to the county Land Development Code and Lee Plan
- An update on legal representation for the panel and/or the coalition
- Updates from island organizations and panel committees, including SCCF
Lee County will also hold three meetings for public input on July 13, Aug. 2, and Aug. 9.
Lee County Informational Meeting at Captiva Civic Association
July 13 at 6 – 8 p.m.
Lee County Commissioner Kevin Ruane and other county staff will be at the Captiva Civic Association (CCA) for an important public meeting on proposed changes to building heights and density on Captiva. The meeting will be held on Thursday, July 13, 6-8 p.m. The public will have the opportunity to provide county officials with input on these possible changes.
The CCA hopes to make this meeting available as a live stream or another remote access format for viewing only. We will send an update when this information becomes available. If you are attending in person, the CCA is located at 11550 Chapin Lane on Captiva.
Lee County Informational Meeting at BIG Arts
Aug. 2 at 6 – 8 p.m.
Lee County Commissioner Kevin Ruane and other county staff will be at BIG Arts for a second public meeting on proposed changes to building heights and density on Captiva. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, Aug. 2, 6-8 p.m. The public will have the opportunity to provide county officials with input on these possible changes.
BIG Arts hopes to make this meeting available as a live stream or another remote access format for viewing only. We will send an update when this information becomes available. If you are attending in person, BIG Arts is located at 900 Dunlop Rd. on Sanibel.
Lee County Informational Meeting at Public Works Building
Aug. 9 at 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Lee County Commissioner Kevin Ruane and other county staff will be at the Lee County Public Works Building for a third public meeting on proposed changes to building heights and density on Captiva. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, Aug. 9, 5:30-7:30 p.m. The public will have the opportunity to provide county officials with input on these possible changes.
The Public Works Building is at 1500 Monroe Street in downtown Fort Myers. The meeting will be held in the large conference room, 1B, on the first floor.