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8th Graders Help Restore Mangroves

May 17, 2023
child and staff member planting mangroves

On May 12, eighth graders from the Sanibel School rolled up their pants and sleeves to help SCCF’s Coastal Watch plant mangroves along Woodring Road, one of Sanibel’s most vulnerable shorelines. They were assisted by staff from SCCF’s Sanibel Sea School.

children planting mangroves

The students had been growing these particular mangroves since the beginning of the school year — the plants even survived Hurricane Ian.

They were planted along with mangroves cultivated by Coastal Watch in culverts near Dixie Beach. This shoreline has eroded over time due to ongoing wave action from boats and storms. Hundreds of mangroves have been planted by volunteers at this site over the past several years, and progress is continually monitored.

“This project is important because we’re restoring the shoreline while also helping the class understand the importance of mangroves and the threats that face our islands,” said SCCF Environmental Educator Richard Finkel.


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