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‘Tree’-Building the Native Landscapes & Garden Center

December 9, 2022

Hurricane Ian left SCCF’s Native Landscapes & Garden Center and Bailey Homestead Preserve a bit less green than normal.

To aid our efforts to re-vegetate the property, SCCF is launching a campaign that allows individuals to sponsor a new plant, or to buy a gift card for when the garden center opens for retail again in January.

“Since moving the garden center to the Bailey Homestead Preserve in 2015, the demonstration gardens had really started to grow, and Hurricane Ian erased our progress and basically set us back to zero,” said SCCF Adult Education Director Jenny Evans. “Replanting will aid our effort to once more have a place to show people what native plants look like in a landscape.”

Help us tree-build >>

SCCF will release a region-specific, post-hurricane re-planting guide before the holidays.


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