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Update on Proposed Eden Oak Development

August 2, 2022

Image of Eden Oak mapThe development of Eden Oak, a coastal wetland area in South Fort Myers, was first proposed several years ago. SCCF policy staff have continued their advocacy efforts against the 300-plus-acre project — located on the west side of Shell Point Boulevard — which would include dredging canals, removing mangroves, and constructing sea walls and 55 houses. 

The Hearing Examiner presentation phase of the Eden Oak Zoning case ended on July 12, with a short final staff closing and applicant rebuttal. The public input portion of this case took place in October 2019. The Hearing Examiner will consider the staff recommendation and all of the testimony and will render her recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners for their final decision to approve or deny the applicant’s re-zoning request.

SCCF will post the Hearing Examiner’s recommendation on the SCCF/Eden Oak webpage as soon as it is released.  Click here for additional information.


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