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Brooks Offer Challenge Grant to Fund Dump Trailer

April 6, 2022

SCCF is seeking donors who want to support the organization’s long-standing commitment to native plant conservation. Funding is needed to clear the way for the construction of the Ruth Brooks Propagation Facility at the Bailey Homestead’s Native Landscapes & Garden Center (NLGC). 

A $5,000 challenge grant from Ruth and Bill Brooks, pictured here, is spearheading an effort to raise another $10,000 to purchase a dump trailer. It will be used to haul away vegetation debris for off-site incineration by the SCCF habitat management team.

“Removal of debris is an ongoing effort by staff and volunteers throughout the demonstration gardens, the overall grounds, and Shipley Trail,” says Adult Education Director Jenny Evans, who oversees the 28-acre Bailey Homestead Preserve. “With nine acres open to the public, the property requires this much-needed piece of equipment because we will no longer have a space to store the debris.”

The new dump trailer will clear the footprint of the propagation facility at the back corner of the NLGC parking lot. Over the summer, the new facility will be built, replacing the shade house at the former location of the garden center at 3333 Sanibel-Captiva Road. The Ruth Brooks Propagation Facility will centralize all garden center operations and allow the nurturing of the upcoming generation of native plants, particularly species that are not commercially grown, are rare, or at risk of extinction.  

“Planting native supports wildlife habitat, the overall ecosystem, and water quality by eliminating the need for pesticides, fertilizers, and irrigation,” adds Evans.

SCCF has been a leader in native landscaping since the early 1970s. Through the new facility, the garden center also seeks to cultivate wild species of native plants that are suitable for home landscapes and cannot be found in other native plant nurseries.

The Ruth Brooks Propagation Facility honors one of SCCF’s most dedicated advocates for the botanical world. 

“We are so grateful that the Brooks are offering this extra incentive to complete the facility,” Evans says. “We hope others will support the tremendous generosity they have shown.”

To donate to fund the dump trailer, please contact SCCF Development Director Cheryl Giattini at or (239) 822-6121.



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