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Meet the Natives: Bahama & Little Strongbark

July 28, 2021

Native to South Florida and the Florida Keys, Bahama strongbark (Bourreria succulenta) and little strongbark (Bourreria cassinifolia) are a couple of plants that will provide you with color almost year-round and are very beneficial to the region’s insects and wildlife.

Bahama strongbark is a 15- to 25-foot weeping tree while the little strongbark is a shrub averaging 4 to 8 feet.

Both plants exhibit the same fragrant, white flowers, which are followed by showy, orange berries. The flowers attract a multitude of pollinators from bees to hummingbirds (as well as hummingbird moths) to butterflies, while the bright-orange berries attract birds. Both tend to do best in full sun and dry soils and can be used for screening or can stand alone as a specimen tree/shrub.

Learn more about what’s available at our Native Landscapes & Garden Center.


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