Fourth-grade students from The Sanibel School observed and documented nature’s seasonal and cyclical changes within SCCF’s Pick Preserve with SCCF Educator Richard Finkel last week.
They were excited to see how seasonal changes in Florida differ from the seasonal changes that occur in more northern and temperate climate zones and are featured in textbooks.
Students were amazed at the obvious change in the habitat off SCCF’s Pick Preserve boardwalk where the low water level quickly caught their attention. They remembered how high the water level was on their Pick Preserve field trip in the fall when they were able to sample and document freshwater macro-invertebrates right off the boardwalk.
The students enjoyed exploring the nature trail and observing, documenting and writing about the subtle changes found within Sanibel’s interior wetlands and mid-island ridges. They keenly noted the variety of micro habitats including soils, shady and sunny areas, undersides of leaves, daily night and day cycles alongside the more obvious seasonal changes.
SCCF’s Pick Preserve, featuring a nature trail and boardwalk, is located directly across the street from The Sanibel School making it an ideal setting for outdoor education and the opportunity to incorporate environmental science into curriculum goals.