The Compact will enable municipalities in Southwest Florida to unite for collective action against the impacts of sea level rise, harmful algal blooms, increasing storm intensity, and other climate change-driven issues.
In coming years, issues such as these will have serious effects on business and tourism, property values, and the overall quality of life of Southwest Florida residents.
By joining together in this regional collaborative, participants will share region-specific tools and knowledge, increase public awareness, and support for its efforts, and coordinate collective actions across these jurisdictions to advocate on the state and federal levels more effectively.
Additionally, cooperation between the Compact’s members will lead to more effective research, public education, communication, and planning.
Other similar compacts throughout the state, such as the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact, have already had great success. It began in 2009 and has been highly effective in deploying climate adaptation and mitigation measures, growing bipartisan support for climate action, and forming relationships with both private and public agencies and organizations. Here in Southwest Florida, we can now do the same.
The work to build a climate-friendly future is just beginning, but the shared efforts, resources, and expertise that we can employ through the Compact is a strong start!