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Sea Turtle Team Paints Stakes for Nests

April 12, 2021
Nearly 20 SCCF sea turtle program volunteers recently gathered to prep for the 2021 sea turtle nesting season, which officially begins April 15. Volunteers and staff met on March 2 and March 4 to repaint wooden stakes used to mark sea turtle nests. This could not be completed in one session, as it has in the past, due to social gathering limits.
“In five, two-hour shifts over two separate days, the entire process of cleaning, painting, and stacking thousands of stakes was finished,” SCCF Coastal Wildlife Biologist Jack Brzoza explained. Groups of four volunteers, spread out over well-separated painting stations, chatted with each other across their individual stations and socialized safely.
“These dedicated volunteers graciously donated their time and effort while remaining excited and upbeat,” Brzoza said. “For many, this marks the unofficial beginning of the season, and our staff and volunteers are excitedly anticipating the arrival of turtles on our beaches.”


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