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Help Restore Critical Habitat by Collecting Red Mangrove Propagules

October 20, 2020
Coastal Watch and SCCF’s Marine Lab are teaming up for a mangrove planting project on Hemp Key in Pine Island Sound. Volunteers are needed to collect red mangrove propagules for a restoration event on Nov. 6.
Beginning this Friday, Oct. 16, volunteers can pick up 5 gallon buckets for mangrove propagules at Sanibel Sea School or the SCCF Marine Lab. The best location for collecting propagules is along Dixie Beach Blvd, but you can also collect them from the beach if they are not dried out and brown. The best propagules will be green with no brown spots or wrinkles. The filled buckets can be dropped off at the SCCF Marine Lab or Sanibel Sea School no later than Nov. 4.
For those interested in planting, on Nov. 6, we will load the buckets onto the R/V Norma Campbell from the SCCF Marine Lab and take a 1-hour boat ride to Hemp Key to plant mangroves. Planting mangroves is labor intensive and can take up to 4-5 hours in the hot subtropical climate. Space is limited to 10 volunteers. If you are interested in planting on Nov. 6, please email Kealy McNeal at at


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