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Sea Turtle Team Celebrates Volunteers & End of Season

October 15, 2020

This evening, SCCF Coastal Wildlife staff will be giving an end-of-season presentation to all SCCF sea turtle program volunteers. The presentation is a summary of the 2020 sea turtle and shorebird nesting seasons, focusing on the highlights the season and offering some insight into the analysis of nesting data and statuses of various research projects.

This year, the presentation will be virtual, with volunteers able to join in and view a PowerPoint narrated by staff, who will be available to answer questions and interact with volunteers live. It is always a fun way to wrap up the season and interact with volunteers in a casual setting, with sea turtle volunteer duties winding down as the final few nests are inventoried.

Currently, there are only three nests left on the beaches. To date, 33,741 hatchlings have emerged from 585 hatched nests. This includes a recently hatched nest on the east end of Sanibel where 20 hatchlings emerged, and although not a large hatch, this was still an exciting find this late in the season.



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