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Eden Oak Hearing Moved to December due to COVID-19
On June 4, the Lee County Hearing Examiner granted an extension to move the final arguments from the Eden Oak applicant and staff from June 24 to December 11, 2020.
“We will continue to advocate for the preservation of this valuable mangrove habitat and we thank the many supporters, residents, and advocates that have participated with us on this long Eden Oak journey,” said SCCF CEO Ryan Orgera.
The proposed Eden Oak development is on Shell Point Blvd at the mouth of the Caloosahatchee near the Sanibel Causeway, as pictured here.
The extension was granted in response to another request for a continuance filed by the applicant on May 29. Click here to view the extension order.
The basis for the request was possible extended COVID-19 related travel restrictions that would impact the property owner.
The applicant’s proposal is to dredge and fill 36 acres of mangrove wetlands to build 55 residential homesites with docks, including the excavation of a new canal and the creation of a boat basin with additional docks. The plan will put more people in the coastal high hazard area, creates new sources of pollution from runoff, will create boat traffic in sensitive habitat used by a number of threatened and endangered species, and adds traffic to the evacuation and emergency access on Shell Point Blvd.
The Eden Oak parcel nomination to the Conservation 2020 land acquisition program is still active and SCCF will send out any updates as they occur. Click here to sign up for SCCF Action Alerts to keep updated on this issue and others that impact on environment.