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Water Meetings of Interest This Week

November 13, 2019

These meetings of interest are happening this week, we hope you will join us.



Thursday 11/14 SFWMD Governing Board Meeting at FGCU 9:30 am

The Governing Board of the SFWMD will hold their monthly business meeting in Fort Myers at FGCU Cohen Center beginning at 9:30 am. Of interest will be meeting the newest member of the board just appointed by the Governor and an overview of Caloosahatchee projects. This is a great opportunity to meet and network with water managers and learn what the agency does.


Link to Agenda & campus map


Friday 11/15 SFWMD Rulemaking for Northern Everglades and Coastal Estuaries Water Quality 10 am

This Friday the SFWMD will hold a meeting at the Fort Myers Regional Library, 1651 Lee St. in downtown Ft. Myers, to kick off a rulemaking process supportive of improving water quality in Lake Okeechobee, the Caloosahatchee and St Lucie and their watersheds. This initiative was approved by the Governing Board at their October business meeting to develop rules for the watersheds, provide monitoring for agricultural and non-point source discharges and develop research and water quality programs.


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